Golf Programs

MacGregor Downs has golf experiences for men and women, juniors, and seniors.

MGA—Men's Golf Association

The Men’s Golf Association is open to all male golf members and provides an additional level of competition throughout the golf season. Competitions with varying formats are regularly scheduled and Pro Shop credits are awarded to the winners. The MGA awards a Player of the Year at the conclusion of golf season. 

SMGA—Senior Men's Golf Association

The Senior Men’s Golf Association is available for all male golf members who are at least 50 years old. The Senior Men’s Golf Association participates in the Capital Area Senior Men’s Golf Association (CASMGA) and in interclub events with other clubs in the Five-County Senior Men’s Golf Association. In addition, there are season-long handicap improvement competitions, as well as a Senior Club Championship and Senior Tartan Tournament.

LGA—Ladies Golf Association

The Ladies Golf Association is a great opportunity for all female golf members to get together for events, both competitive and social. Ladies can play in 9- or 18-hole groups, depending on their skill and interest levels. Various events throughout the season include shotgun tournaments, clinics, member-guest events, as well as interclubs. Prizes awarded at the end of the season include Player of the Year, Most Improved, and more. 

Junior Golf Programs

Family-friendly MacGregor Downs offers year-round junior golf programs and lessons for children of all ages and skill levels. Whether it's group clinics, private lessons, or camps, our golf professionals are available to help younger golfers learn the necessary skills to become great players. We also offer PGA Junior League and Club championships for younger members who are ready to compete, as well as Parent-Child events to encourage the family to play together.

Operation 36 Junior Golf Academy

Operation 36 Junior Golf Academy

In 2015, MacGregor Downs became one of three Operation 36 Corporate Golf Academy locations in the Triangle. The Operation 36 Golf program is the most effective developmental program and technology to introduce and guide anyone in playing the game. Created by local North Carolina golf pros, Ryan Dailey and Matt Reagan, Operation 36 is currently being run at over 720 facilities around the world in 19 different countries. Programs consist of 9-hole events run by the Operation 36 Coaching staff and weekly classes to help students progress through the 6-level curriculum. Operation 36 programs are available year-round for juniors, ladies, and men.

CLICK HERE for Operation 36 Acadamy Offerings

To learn more about Operation 36™, check out their website by CLICKING HERE. Contact Academy Director Nick Dawson [email protected] for more information. Please note, you must be a member to enroll your junior in the Academy.